Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February Update

New things in the works, Couple shows coming up.
February 18th-Detroit, MI @ Trumbullplex w/ Live To Kill, Sugarcoats, Tyvek

March 2nd -Appleton, Wisconsin- w/ The Parish, Sabaoth, Bag of Gremlins

March 3rd -Chicago, Illinois -w/ KRANG and more
March 4th- Detroit, MI @ THE MUG w/ Renegade Assault Tank and more
March 11th-Bowling Green, OH-w/Disconnected, Isenblast, and more

2nd Press. 2011 Demo and 1st Press. Nuclear Winter EP cassette tapes still available
But there numbers are dwindling...

Writing new songs, new recordings in the near future.
We will post more info when we got it.